Erectile Dysfunction is when you can’t have an erection firm enough to complete sexual intercourse. Having erectile dysfunction from time to time is not always a sign of something more serious. However, if erectile dysfunction has been an ongoing problem, it may be affecting your confidence, stress levels and add to overall relationship difficulties. In this article, you will learn some of the common treatments for erectile dysfunction as well as ways to overcome them.
Surgery – Erectile Dysfunction can be caused by a host of potential issues. Some of these potential issues are heart problems, enlarged prostate, enlarged spleen or bladder, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, neurological problems, high blood pressure, glaucoma, and skin disease. When these or other issues are present, surgery can be your best option. Many times, erectile dysfunction can be corrected by performing surgery on a part of the body.
Screening and Psychological Testing – If erectile dysfunction has been a part of your medical history, you will first need to perform a comprehensive physical examination and review your medical history. You will most likely be asked about your current and past medications, any strokes or heart conditions you may have had, any recreational drugs you have taken, and your current state of mental health. A psychologist should then be assigned to evaluate your physical examination. Your psychologist will most likely ask you a series of questions about your erectile dysfunction and your life in general. Psychological testing is generally done only by a board certified psychiatrist or psychologist.
ED Medication – Certain types of medication can help to make the situation of erectile dysfunction a little easier to deal with. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants or benzodiazepines. Doctors rarely treat erectile dysfunction with prescriptions from the pharmacy, but the use of certain prescription medications can provide some temporary relief. Discuss ED treatment options with your doctor to see which ones might be best for you.
There are several causes of erectile dysfunction. The most common are the side effects of some prescription medications, certain psychological conditions, and other health concerns. If any of these health concerns are the cause of your difficulties getting an erection, it is likely that you have other symptoms as well. Some of the other possible causes include the side effects of some medical conditions, problems with circulation, problems with your nervous system, and more. Any of these problems should be evaluated by a doctor for possible causes.
If you think you have erectile dysfunction, make sure to discuss all of your treatment options with your doctor. He can determine the best course of action for you. Keep in mind that erectile dysfunction affects millions of men in the United States alone, and many of them do not seek treatment options until they have already tried everything else and found nothing else to work. Remember that your doctor is aware of your frustration and understands the amount of time and energy you would like to invest in finding a cure. In many cases, it takes some trial and error to find the exact treatment your body needs to recover from your disease and return to quality erections again.
With Erectile Dysfunction, it isn’t easy to have or maintain a firm, strong erection for intercourse. Even if ED becomes an annoying and frequent problem, your medical professional or your sex therapist can assist. ED could be a sign of larger cardiovascular problems indicating blocked arteries are developing in a male’s vascular system. For this reason, the proper diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction is imperative before treatment can begin.
If you experience problems with your erection, you should visit a men’s health clinic for sexual wellness to make sure you aren’t suffering from any other underlying health conditions that may cause your erectile dysfunction. Your doctor may include tests such as cholesterol screening and blood pressure checks. He may also recommend certain medications and treatments, including alternative remedies such as herbal treatments and stress management techniques. Erectile Dysfunction symptoms may include; however, these are not a complete list of possible conditions.
Stress can play a large role in both the physical and mental health of anyone, however, when erectile dysfunction occurs it can increase stress levels in the person. Erectile Dysfunction can lead to high stress levels, and if left untreated, can lead to other more serious health issues. Because ED can be caused by stress, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants to alleviate some of the stress in your life. These medications are often used to treat depression, another reason why they may help you feel better and have an easier time getting an erection. Depression can be treated with counseling and medication, and the side effects of most antidepressants can be reduced with additional therapy and medication.
Depression is the third most common psychological factor that contributes to erectile dysfunction. Depression can affect both physical and psychological aspects of your life. Many times men turn to drugs or alcohol to make them feel better, but these methods can actually worsen their condition. Because drugs and alcohol create a state of euphoria that can cause stimulation of the mind and body, this can increase feelings of anxiety. It can be difficult to control or ignore the feelings of anxiety, which can interfere with having an erection. Erectile dysfunction may also be worsened by stress, which leads many men to turn to smoking and/or drinking to relax.
One of the psychological factors that may contribute to the onset of erectile dysfunction is high cholesterol levels. High cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease, and erectile dysfunction is one of the physical signs of this disease. In many cases, a patient will need to reduce his or her consumption of foods that are high in cholesterol, such as eggs, fish, and meats. When doing so, it is important to consult your doctor. Some patients may even need to take medications to lower their cholesterol. Smoking can also increase the chances of developing the condition, as well as the potential damage done to the arteries.
The symptoms of diabetes and cardiovascular disease will most likely not have any effect on men who are trying to improve their sexual performance. These medical conditions only make erectile dysfunction worse. Blood flow problems in the arteries are what lead to this condition and reducing blood flow to these areas will help to prevent this condition from occurring.